Thursday, March 13, 2008

To BeeBee or Not to BeeBee

Wed am

Everything went like clockwork this am (including my alarm clock, Ha) and I loved it. Sweet Victory!! All three kids were ready and waiting.........for Daddy. Now if I could just find a way to get Daddy going in the am, LOL!

Thurs am

We got home from church late last pm, so all three kids had to have showers this am. But I am glad to say we did it and the morning wasn't the least bit chaotic. Yeah! I just love it when things go the way "I" want them too *wink*.

Seriously I have found we have to be willing to take what comes in life and go with it. Realizing things are not going to always go according to plan. And when we accept this we are better for it.

Scott's parents wanted to buy Alex a bee-bee gun for his birthday. "He's 10 years old honey, I think he is ready." So Scott has told me over and over. I am a little uneasy about the whole idea, but of course we set down rules that must be followed. So Scott has all three of the kids outside yesterday afternoon for 'shooting practice.' At first they have a target with a bulls eye. (Note: Mommy hit target first shot, first time, oh yeah oh yeah). Then they graduate to shooting cans in the backyard. I leave Scott with the kids and go back in the house to finish supper when I hear Scott yell, "Come here honey. You have to see this." So I walk outside to the back porch and Randy is shooting those cans with every shot. "Wow, Randy that is really good." I bragged. Then of course it was Alex's turn. Again, those cans were falling. I brag some on Alex. Still yet, I am apprehensive about the "gun thing". So then of course it is Sydni's turn. Oh my. I'm really nervous for some reason. But Daddy has everything under control. He is right beside Syd showing her what to do and then takes a step back. I watch her fire and then jump back and say, "Ouch." She grabs her hip. Time stops. We all stare at her. Then she starts laughing hysterically. She is holding her hip, hopping around laughing uncontrollably. The beebee had richoeted and hit her and she was laughing about it. No kidding, true story.

The whole house is empty right now (except for Kelsey and me) and I think I'll hide the beebee gun. What do you think, should I?


Always Faith said...

OH my. LOL. I'm sorry for getting a giggle out of that. I might be tempted to hide the gun, too, however I do remember having a bb gun when we were kids and I don't remember them being really dangerous....but really...peace of mind is pretty important, too. LOL. =)

Regina said...

April had one when she was younger. and she hit a tree with it and it came back and hit Preston. she came in crying and telling me she had shoot her daddy. it scared me. so i think hide the gun. love ya

KC said...

*LOL* Thats sounds just like Sydni!! And it sounds like they had a great time with the BB gun. So personally I might not hide it just yet *grin*.

Anonymous said...

Only Sydni would laugh about getting popped by a BB. She is as tough as they come.

You know me. I think I'd put it under lock and key when not in use. At least when my boys come over. *wink*

I still remember being in our old house in Denver, clinging to Amy as she waltzed around the basement with a gun in her hand. Investing some noise she thought she heard. I just knew I was gonna die when I heard that bullet "ching" from one place to the next. It's a wonder I'm alive today with her aim (hahaha). It wasn't a BB gun though. *grin*

Mom and Dad should have left ME in charge that day! Where were you by the way?

Always Faith said...

hey dawnie, this is a little off topic, but can you insert this into your sidebar (as text) titled Page Credits: header and background from Anne Langpap's June 07 Free Pea Kit
I forgot to do that for you when I created the page. I can put it in if you need me to, but I forget how to get into your page. LOL. Good thing, right? haha. love ya!

Always Faith said...

ps that text element for the credits can go down to the bottom, just so it's on the page somewhere so we don't get in trouble for using copyrighted stuff...*grin* Wouldn't want to do that. LOL

Unknown said...

Here's my two cents...the kids and I had a great time with the BB guns - GIVE THEM BACK!!!

Seriously, I'm just not into this thing that kids can't have BB guns because they will grow up and shoot people. I had a BB gun when I was 8...a shotgun when I was 10 and was in the woods hunting with my Dad. I had pocket knives a lot younger. Shooting with the kids brought back a lot of memories and it was good. Was I a little nervous at first with the kids shooting...yeah. But after a few minutes it all came back to me and I thought, "They really need to experience this." Randy was very nervous the first time he shot because he has never even held a gun. But after shooting a little while he wasn't scared of it anymore - he was still very safety minded (putting the safety on between almost every shot) - but not scared of it. Being scared of a firearm while messing with it can get you seriously hurt. I tend to think keeping BB guns/pocket knives/playing cowboys & indians/etc away from kids can do a lot more harm than good.

Of course safety is of utmost importance with any firearm (BB or otherwise) - but how are they going to learn to use them safely if I don't let them experience them at all?

So I say again...GIVE THEM BACK! :) But thats just my two cents.

LeAnn said...

ok. I wasn't going to say anything, I just found you on faiths page. I am sitting here smiling from ear to ear. I see both sides.. why? because I use to be a tomboy with 5 brothers where guns were always present. I will not tell most of the stories for fear of scaring you to death, but I am here today as a mom too. My boys had BB guns at the age of 7 and 8. Then shotguns at the age of 11, after they went to Hunters safty course. My boys never shot anyone, or each other ( I thank God everyday on that one, another story) So.. I say.. Keep them UP until Daddy comes home. Shooting practice only when he can watch. Teach them that it's not something you stick in your pocket and go play something else. When shooting practice is over.. the BB gun is put up.My husband would always say to the boys " Do you see me carrying my rifle to work? or to mow the grass? or to go the church? guns are needful and in its rightful place. That's how my husband handled it. Mommy, let your boys be boys. :-) They will love you for it when they are older !! That's my 3 cents worth. LOL