Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Power of a Good Book

Every once in awhile I have a moment where something 'Wows' me. I had one of those today. I stepped out to go get some groceries since I've been home with my sick ones. When I got home my hubby was lying on the couch reading one of my novels a friend had gotten me from the library. I was in shock! I mean that is like illegal or something, right?! Men are not allowed to get comfy with a blanket on the couch and actually spend time reading a novel when there is so much else that could be done. And the really funny thing is that he was totally addicted. He didn't want to put it down. He was really into it. Hah! I told him that was my job and I do it quite well, so he needed to find something else to spend his time on. Sheez! I not sharing my blankie!

My little ones are not up to par quite yet. Actually the youngest, my live wire, has taken a turn for the worse and has a fever again. My oldest is still not eating and is very weak (naturally). So anyway, my husband insists I go to church tomorrow morning so I can teach my class. I feel bad about him having to stay home, because he is the main piano player for our church. Although we do have others that can play in his absence. If I didn't know better I would think he is pushing for me to go so he could stay home and read. I better hide my other books.

Until next time.......

Friday, January 26, 2007

Too Good to be True

I believe my children are finally on the mend. With this flu (or whatever) my oldest slept for 36 hrs and my second son hasn't eaten in 4 days. Now my daughter recovered quickly and has been bouncing off the walls wanting to play with her brothers. So since the boys have been sick she has been driving our dog bonkers. (I feel sorry for the dog). Anyway, thank the Lord for the light at the end of the tunnel.

My hubby picked up his car from the shop yesterday and all seems to be well there. The mechanic we use is a really nice guy and I don't think we have to worry about him taking advantage. I took a car to a different shop years ago just to have the brakes fixed (I brought the new brakes with me) and they checked the car out and had a list a mile long (or so it seemed) of things wrong with my car. I asked them nicely to just please fix my brakes. Later when I picked up the car after the brakes were supposedly fixed they sounded worse than before I had them looked at. When I asked them about it they blamed the brakes we had brought with us. Go figure! Needless to say that was the last time I ever stopped there. Some people really try my patience!

Oh well, don't know how I ever got started on that. On to a pleasant subject.......Last Sunday was my first day back as teacher for the 6-8 year olds at my church. The teachers had taken a few weeks off, so it was kinda exciting coming back in the new year, fresh, ready to go. Well I walked into my classroom Sunday morning and all of the students were sitting quietly waiting for me. I didn't hear any sounds coming from my room in the hallway and thought something is wrong. But when I walked in there they were. I can't tell you what a welcome sight that was. I was so proud of them and I told them so. After class, I was bragging about their good behavior to another teacher in the next room over and she said, 'Oh yeah, I had to get on to them. I thought they were going to tear the walls down.' I couldn't contain my laughter. Somethings 'are' too good to be true.

Well, I suppose I should go and try to 'force feed' a couple of my recuperating children. Until next time..........

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tomorrow's a New Day

Today is just one of those days where everything is going wrong. First, all three of my children are sick with high fevers and terrible coughs. The oldest has been in the bed all day. They're not eating but at least they are drinking some. Oh well, it's hard to see them feeling so poorly and Mommy is so helpless.

Then my hubby's car broke down at Wal-mart yesterday, so he took my van this am. The plan is to get his car to the mechanic today so we will be able to pick it up tomorrow. That is the ideal plan. We will see if things go that smoothly. We can always hope, right?!

Other than that, my sister who is expecting is really sick and the doctors are not sure what's going on. She had a chest x-ray because of a cough for several months. All was normal there. So now they are going to send her to another specialist to see if maybe she has an allergen since she has moved into a new home. She only has a few weeks before the baby is due. I sincerely hope they can get her feeling better before the baby decides to come. All I know to do is keep praying......

I don't suppose we will be going to church tonight and I am going to miss it. I am so thankful for my church. It is a place I can go and feel the Spirit of the Lord in a real way. I felt loved the first time I walked through the doors and now 15 years later I'm still there and raising my family there. We have a lot of children at church and that helps. My kids enjoy singing in the Children's Choir and taking part in plays and skits. It is my greatest hope that my children serve the Lord when they are grown and on their own. Wow, my husband and I have a tremendous responsibility! I don't take it lightly.

Well, speaking of children I need to go check on my sick babies.
Until next time.......

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Life

After waiting around on pictures for my blog, I decided it was time to go ahead and start blogging again. Maybe the pictures will come soon.

As of next month I will have been a stay-at-home Mommy for 9 years. I have a 9 year old, 7 year old, and soon to be 5 year old. My 5 year old will be starting school next year. I can say my feelings over that are bittersweet. She is my baby and I will miss the time with her, but I can't imagine what it will be like to have free time 8-2:30 every day. I can honestly say I am excited. Nine years is a long time. Now I can pursue different interests. As far as I'm concerned at this point the sky is the limit.

My husband has decided the go back to college and get his associates and then his bachelors degree. It was a hard decision for him. He has done well and has 10 years experience at his profession (3-D animation), but is somewhat limited without a degree. And lets fact it raising 3 children is going to cost money. So, we'll see what happens. At first he was looking at an online college through the Arts Institute of Pittsburgh, but toward the end of his research realized how expensive that was going to be. So now we are looking at the local community college. Its the only thing that makes sense right now.

My younger sister has a 19 month old little boy and is expecting another son in February. I think I had kinda forgotten how tiring and taxing pregnancy can be. I feel sorry for her, but she is on the homeward stretch. Not much longer to go.

Well, my little ones are under the weather today. All three of them are coughing and two of them have fevers. Bummer. I feel so bad for them when they're sick. Maybe by tomorrow they will feel better.

Well, guess I'd better run for now. My hubby's car broke down on him today and I have to go pick him up. So I'll give myself a little more time to get the sick kids in the van.

See Ya Soon!