Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Breakfast for Supper

Good Morning! Well it was! Up at 6:15 this am just so I would have time to make blueberry pancakes and get everybody off on time. All the hard stuff was done: Picking out what to wear, which is no big deal for the boys. Nice shirt, jeans, good tennis shoes. Would you believe my crazy boys have actually tried to pull a fast one on me and wear their play shoes to school? Yuck & no way! I don't care that they are more comfortable, they are dirty & disgusting. Probably a bit stinky too, hehe (I know you Moms know what I'm talking about). That is why they are play shoes. You play in them and its okay if they get dirty. No biggie. But you don't wear them to school. Right, right. *grin*

Now what to wear for Sydni. The choices, the choices. We have to match the shoes with the outfit, not too mention the socks and hairbows. Geshhh. And then of course she has to "be able to run" in whatever shes wearing. Can't let those boys outrun her now can we?

So, anyway I had everything ready to go this am and I'm making the pancakes when I notice this little heart shaped pancake mold I had forgotten I had. So my hubby has been working alot & been under some stress so I thought I'd surprise him with a little Heart Shaped Blueberry Pancake for breakfast. Now how sweet is that?! HAHA!

So I make sure to let him know I have pancakes ready if he's interested. He was interested.........but in the end didn't have time to eat(everybody say aww). So he never even saw his Heart Shaped Blueberry Pancake this am. But thats ok b/c I've decided that's just what he's getting for supper! I had his pancakes still warming in the griddle. All am waiting on him. Those Sweetheart pancakes. Made by Love.

Unfortunately, by the time I got back to clean the kitchen his pancakes were a little on the dark side. Well.....quite dark actually. But they were perfect at breakfast time. Oh well, tough love.

So, my dearest when you read this(& I know you will b/c you visit my blog everyday)your supper is ready and waiting. In the microwave.

Oh, and I wouldn't overheat them....


Always Faith said...

BWAHAHAHAHA....that is SOOO funny! You know, my kids wear their play shoes to school b/c they destroy their shoes at school....LOL. I'm sure when they get a little older that will change though. And I said AWWW before I even read where you said to say it. HAHa. VERY sweet of you!!! Bummer on it kinda falling through on the other end, but hey, it's the thought that counts. =) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Well if you ask me, I'd burn Whitey's food every chance I got.

And let me just insert here that you are way too sweet for fixing him anything heart shaped. Ugh. What did he ever do to deserve you?

It's a good thing he found you. I imagine all it took was one peek at your freckles and he was hooked. He will probably enjoy spending the rest of his life connecting your dots.

LAUGH OUT LOUD! I'm crying here, Good Night!

Amy Lizzy said...

Ohh, what a sweet post!!! Should I stop by his desk tomorrow and ask about his heart shaped pancakes? ROFL ;-)

dawnie said...

Yes Amy Elizabeth! Absolutely! You ask Scott how much he enjoyed his heartshaped pancakes. And while you are at it(this is SO MUCH FUN), perhaps you could mention freckles. He loves 'em, right Kellygirl?! LOL!!!!!!!!

LeAnn said...

Awww.. very sweet post !!