Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's All Good

Well another day. Another year. It's all good. Except I'm not exactly packed and ready to go on our little trip. Perhaps I should get at it. Maybe just a few more minutes........

So yesterday a little girl at the babysitter's (better known as Nonnie) slapped Syd in the face. When Sydni told me the story she said, "And I accidently slapped her back. In the face. Hard." Supposedly this little girl who is several years older had jaw pain the rest of the day. No fun dealing with that one. Of course I told her you can't 'accidently' hit someone. And it's never okay to hit, even if they hit you first. So her Dad and I discussed it and dealt with the situation. Many times I find myself so thankful to have a husband to turn too in times like these. Speaking of my husband I think I'll go get packed now, LOL................


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! What did you do? Garrett is just 3 yo but I am trying to teach him that we are not responsible for other's actions, only ourselves. He doesn't seem to be grasping it just yet, though.

I'll be praying for ya Sis,parenting is H-A-R-D...but oh my word, the benefits....pRICEless! *wink*

BTW- Called you this morning to say, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, I love you to pieces, Happy Birthday to you!"

Have fun on your trip...*wink*...I'm still cracking up over the message you left me. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}to you!

Mrs. Wendy Pacheco said...

I think it is a little hilarious but wouldn't be if it was my child. But it is something that we all have to face at one time or another. I am sure that you guys know how to handle it. Look at this way, when my child does that, you can give me advice on how you handled. Isn't that why God gives us trial sometimes to help others go through the same trial. Whitey sings a song about that...