Friday, January 26, 2007

Too Good to be True

I believe my children are finally on the mend. With this flu (or whatever) my oldest slept for 36 hrs and my second son hasn't eaten in 4 days. Now my daughter recovered quickly and has been bouncing off the walls wanting to play with her brothers. So since the boys have been sick she has been driving our dog bonkers. (I feel sorry for the dog). Anyway, thank the Lord for the light at the end of the tunnel.

My hubby picked up his car from the shop yesterday and all seems to be well there. The mechanic we use is a really nice guy and I don't think we have to worry about him taking advantage. I took a car to a different shop years ago just to have the brakes fixed (I brought the new brakes with me) and they checked the car out and had a list a mile long (or so it seemed) of things wrong with my car. I asked them nicely to just please fix my brakes. Later when I picked up the car after the brakes were supposedly fixed they sounded worse than before I had them looked at. When I asked them about it they blamed the brakes we had brought with us. Go figure! Needless to say that was the last time I ever stopped there. Some people really try my patience!

Oh well, don't know how I ever got started on that. On to a pleasant subject.......Last Sunday was my first day back as teacher for the 6-8 year olds at my church. The teachers had taken a few weeks off, so it was kinda exciting coming back in the new year, fresh, ready to go. Well I walked into my classroom Sunday morning and all of the students were sitting quietly waiting for me. I didn't hear any sounds coming from my room in the hallway and thought something is wrong. But when I walked in there they were. I can't tell you what a welcome sight that was. I was so proud of them and I told them so. After class, I was bragging about their good behavior to another teacher in the next room over and she said, 'Oh yeah, I had to get on to them. I thought they were going to tear the walls down.' I couldn't contain my laughter. Somethings 'are' too good to be true.

Well, I suppose I should go and try to 'force feed' a couple of my recuperating children. Until next time..........

1 comment:

Always Faith said...

Yay! Glad they're feeling better. I've missed you guys!
Love ya girl!